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7D High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a clinically proven, non-invasive alternative treatment.

As we age, the signs start to appear on our skin in the form of wrinkles & expression lines, this is where KK AESTHETICS and our 7D Hifu non surgical facelift aids the affected areas.

**Results can be achieved in a single treatment session, some patients may require several treatment sessions depending on their age and skin condition.**


7D HIFU has many aesthetic benefits, including:

Wrinkle reduction

Tightening sagging skin on the neck (sometimes called turkey neck)

Lifting the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids

Enhancing jawline definition

Tightening of the décolletage

Smoothing the skin

Body slimming

Improves blood flow which makes your skin look and feels healthier

Production of collagen and elastin increases

Improves muscle tone by firming and tightening

Reducing stretch in your skin and sagging

Encourages growth of new skin cells to work positively on areas broken down by the HIFU

Reduces eyelid hoods and bags under the eyes

Tightens saggy skin, especially around the jowls, cheeks and neck

Reduces double chins and fat deposits

Helps to reduce acne and acne scarring.

There are few contraindications to  KK AESTHETICS 7D  HIFU treatment including:

Bleeding disorders

Anti-thrombosis therapy

Metal implants in the treatment area

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

An active systemic or skin disease which may hinder regeneration